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19 Essential Travel Tips for Beginners: Your Ultimate Ayurvedic Guide for a Smooth Journey

Traveling, while exciting, can often disrupt our routine and well-being leading to a Vata imbalance for anyone, no matter your constitution.

Incorporating Ayurvedic principles into your travel plans can help maintain balance and health.

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, emphasizes harmony between the body, mind, and spirit.

Here are some Ayurvedic travel tips for beginners to enhance your travel experience.

We'll cover:

travel tips for beginners: road trip in the desert

Understanding Ayurvedic Principles

Before diving into the tips, it's essential to understand the basics of Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is based on the concept of three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.

These doshas represent different combinations of the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) and are responsible for various functions in the body.

The doshas can be used to describe constitutions and current states of balance.

Usually an individual has a predominance of two doshas, with the third dosha being in a smaller quantity, but we all have all three doshas within us.

Vata governs movement and is linked to air and ether; Pitta controls metabolism and is related to fire and water; and Kapha is associated with structure and fluid balance, connecting it to earth and water.

Vata dosha is the dosha that goes out of balance the easiest for all of us all of the time, and when traveling, Vata dosha is even more likely to become imbalanced due to increased movement, irregular schedules, and changes in the environment.

The goal is to keep Vata in check while maintaining the balance of Pitta and Kapha doshas.

travel tips for beginners: a globe showing all of the travel possibilities

Pre-Travel Tips for Beginners

1. Plan Your Travel with Ayurveda in Mind

Our first in the list of travel tips for beginners is to opt for destinations and travel plans that align with your dosha type.

For instance, if you are a Vata type, choose warmer destinations and avoid excessive travel during late fall and early winter when Vata is already high.

If you have a lot of Pitta Dosha in your constitution, choose cooler destinations near water and forests where you can avoid the direct sun.

If you have a lot of Kapha dosha in your constitution, opt for dryer, warmer climates where you can easily be inspired to be active.

Be sure to schedule some time to rest and implement self-care practices both when you arrive at your destination and when you return home.

2. Pack Ayurvedic Essentials

A travel tips for beginners list isn't complete without a list of travel kit essentials with Ayurvedic items such as:

  • herbal teas

Athreya Herbs offers a nice CCCFT Digestive Tea Powder with cumin, coriander, cardamom, fennel, and turmeric that is tri-doshic (good for all three doshas).

One teaspoon can be taken with a cup of warm water between meals.

Or you can make your own digestive tea with this recipe for Anti-Ama Formula, which is excellent for all three doshas.

  • digestive spices

Hingvashtak Powder is excellent for gas and bloating associated with Vata dosha and travel in particular.

This is one of the travel tips for beginners that I don't leave home without.

Athreya Herbs has a super yummy blend.

This blend is excellent for Vata and Kapha doshas, and may be a bit intense for some Pitta dosha constitutions.

Or you can make this Trikatu Powder, which contains black pepper, pippali (a long pepper), and dry ginger, at home using this recipe.

This blend is especially good for Kapha and Vata dosha, and may be too warming for Pitta dosha.

Triphala is another great herbal blend for digestion when traveling.

Travel often leads to constipation for many people.

Take Triphala at night before bed to help promote a smooth bowel movement in the morning.

Athreya Herbs offers Triphala in both powder and tablet forms.

  • a travel-size oil for Abhyanga (self-massage)

Some great oils for Abhyanga to calm Vata dosha while traveling are Balashwagandha Oil and Mahanarayan Oil.

Athreya Herbs offers both of these in 8 oz. jars.

  • a bottle of face oil

Keep the face well-lubricated to prevent dryness from the increase of Vata dosha while traveling.

Athreya Herbs has a nice Healthy Face Oil containing saffron that can be used every night and every morning to keep the face hydrated.

  • a bottle of ear oil

The ears are a site of Vata dosha.

By oiling the ears, Vata dosha can be calmed.

Try oiling the ears, even rubbing some around the aperture of the ear, before you board the plane or hop in your car for a long trip.

You can also oil the ears at night before bed to help you sleep while traveling.

Athreya Herbs offers Healthy Ear Oil which is perfect for travel.

  • a bottle of nasya oil

The nasal passages can dry out when flying in an airplane or even riding in an air-conditioned car.

Keep the nasal passages lubricated, prevent pathogens from entering the sinuses, and soothe the mind with 2-3 drops of nasya oil once or twice a day (or more if you are on a long flight).

Nasya oil is excellent for soothing the sinuses when exposed to pollution or molds during your travels.

Athreya Herbs offers a nice, gentle nasya oil.

Or you can use ghee or coconut oil in the nostrils.

  • neti pot

If you're planning to travel to a destination with polluted air or a lot of dust, a neti pot can help flush debris from the sinus passages.

When I travel to India, I usually have one in my bag to help wash out pollution.

Allow some time for the sinuses to dry after using the neti pot, and then add nasya oil to keep the nostrils lubricated and reduce the amount of pollution and dust entering your sinuses.

  • eye mask and ear plugs

travel tips for beginners: woman wearing an eye mask to help her sleep while traveling

Use an eye mask and earplugs to block out light and noise, ensuring restful sleep during transit.

  • a small diffuser with calming essential oils like lavender or sandalwood.

I always carry a stash of essential oils with me when I travel to help me stay healthy.

This small diffuser on Amazon is easy to pack, and easy to use because it doesn't use water.

Lavender, Rose, Jatamansi, and Frankincense are always in my travel bag to help calm vata dosha.

Frankincense in a carrier oil like sesame or coconut applied to the soles of the feet is incredibly grounding and excellent to use before a flight or a long car ride.

  • travel pillow and blanket

Next up on our list of travel tips for beginners is to carry a travel pillow and a soft blanket to stay comfortable and warm during flights or long journeys, which helps to keep Vata balanced.

I carry an inflatable pillow and a lightweight, warm shawl that I picked up in India years ago to stay comfortable when I travel.

  • healthy snacks

Carry healthy snacks like fresh fruits, nuts, and seeds to avoid unhealthy airport or roadside food.

  • comfortable clothing

Wear comfortable, layered clothing to adapt to changing temperatures during travel and stay cozy.

3. Dietary Preparations

travel tips for beginners: warm cooked food to be eaten before, during, and after traveling to help balance vata dosha

Prepare your digestive system by consuming light, easy-to-digest meals a day or two before travel.

Favor warm, cooked foods and avoid raw, crunchy, dry, and cold items, which can aggravate Vata dosha.

Vata and Kapha predominant individuals can add some warming spices like black pepper, cumin, ginger, and ajwain to their foods to stimulate proper digestion.

Pitta dosha predominant individuals can favor cumin, coriander, and fennel to stimulate digestion without overheating it.

Athreya Herbs has a beautiful collection of organic dried spices.

During Travel: Tips for Beginners

4. Stay Hydrated

Air travel and changes in climate can lead to dehydration, which can imbalance Vata dosha.

Drink warm water or herbal teas regularly, even if traveling by car.

If you carry a travel mug on the airplane, you can ask the flight attendant to fill it with hot water for tea or to drink alone.

Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugary drinks, which can further dehydrate you.

5. Abhyanga (Self-Massage)

travel tips for beginners: a woman preparing to oil her body to help pacify vata dosha from traveling

Before your journey, perform Abhyanga, a self-massage with warm oil-- one of the best methods for calming vata dosha.

This helps ground Vata dosha, soothe the nervous system, and moisturize the skin.

To learn more about this practice, read Self-Love with Abhyanga: Ayurvedic Massage.

6. Mindful Eating

Stick to warm, nourishing foods that are easy to digest.

Avoid processed and heavy meals.

If possible, find warm, moist foods to eat at the airport.

When I'm flying, I'll check for a coffee shop at the airport for warm oatmeal and a cup of hot milk to ground me before I step onto the airplane.

Pay attention to the food as you eat it and notice how it affects your body.

7. Breathing Exercises and Meditation

Incorporate simple pranayama (breathing exercises) and meditation into your travel routine.

Practices like Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing) can help calm the mind and balance Vata dosha.

Some airports now have meditation or prayer rooms where you can practice silent breathing techniques and meditate.

8. Oil and Shower at the Airport Lounge

If you have a long flight with a layover, invest in a stop at the airport lounge during the layover so you can oil and shower between flights--this can make a big difference in jet lag.

These lounges usually have fresh, nourishing, warm foods that digest better than the other airport and airplane food choices.

9. Digital Detox

Limit screen time and take breaks from electronic devices to reduce Vata aggravation and digital fatigue.

10. Maintain a Routine

Try to maintain a regular routine even while traveling.

Wake up and go to bed at the same time each day, eat at regular intervals, and make time for relaxation and self-care practices.

Travel Tips for Beginners at Your Destination

11. Grounding Practices

travel tips for beginners: a woman walking on the beach to ground after a long flight

Upon arrival, ground yourself by spending time in nature.

Walk barefoot on grass or sand, and take in the natural surroundings.

This helps balance Vata and reduces the stress of travel.

12. Abhyanga (self-massage with warm oil)

Perform Abhyanga again once you arrive at your hotel.

This will help to settle the effects of all of the movement it took to get to your destination.

I know this may be one of the travel tips for beginners that you're tired of hearing me mention, but the oiling does wonders for pacifying Vata dosha and easing travel fatigue.

13. Stay Active

Staying active is an important mention in the travel tips for beginners.

Engage in gentle exercises like yoga, stretching, or walking to keep your body flexible and your mind calm.

Avoid strenuous activities that can overheat the body and exacerbate Vata imbalance.

I always travel with a Yamuna "Calf" Ball to help me stretch out all of my body parts while traveling.

14. Dietary Adjustments

Adapt your diet according to the local climate and your dosha.

Favor seasonal and locally grown produce.

For instance, in a hot climate, Pitta types should consume cooling foods like cucumbers and melons, while Vata types might prefer warm soups and stews.

15. Herbal Support

Another one of the travel tips for beginners is to use Ayurvedic herbs to support your health.

Triphala is excellent for maintaining digestive health, Ashwagandha helps manage stress, and Turmeric supports overall immunity.

Athreya Herbs offers these three in tablet form.

While I often encourage people to take herbs in powdered form, using tablets when traveling can be much easier.

Post-Travel Tips for Beginners

The travel tips for beginners don't end when your travels end, you can try these tips to regain balance once you are home.

16. Detox and Rejuvenate

After returning home, give your body some time to detox and rejuvenate.

Consume warm, detoxifying foods like kitchari (a mixture of rice and mung beans), and sip on herbal teas like ginger or peppermint.

Take some time to rest as well to help your body rejuvenate.

17. Restorative Practices

Engage in restorative yoga and other gentle practices to bring your body back to balance.

Ensure you get plenty of rest and sleep to recover from any travel fatigue.

You may want to consider doing a Yoga Nidra practice.

20. Abhyanga--self-massage with warm oil

Yes, continue to oil your body once you return home to help settle Vata dosha and enjoy an easier re-entry into your life.

19. Reflect and Integrate

travel tips for beginners: a woman journaling to help process her last travel adventure

Take time to reflect on your travel experiences and integrate any positive practices you discovered into your daily routine.

This helps in maintaining a sense of well-being even after the trip is over.


Traveling with Ayurveda in mind can transform your travel experience, making it more enjoyable and less stressful.

By incorporating these Ayurvedic travel tips for beginners, you can maintain balance and well-being, ensuring that your adventures are not only memorable but also healthy and rejuvenating.

Remember, the essence of Ayurveda is to align with nature and listen to your body's needs, no matter where you are in the world.

Happy travels!

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2 comentarios

12 jul

Wonderful article! 🙏🏼💜🕉️🙏🏼

Me gusta

06 jul

Thank You Belinda this was so helpful! 🙏🏽 Mei-Lin

Me gusta

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