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How to Increase Ojas with These 11 Foods: A Guide to Enhancing Your Vital Energy

Writer's picture: Belinda BaerBelinda Baer

In Ayurveda, the concept of Ojas is central to understanding overall health and vitality.

Sufficient Ojas represents well-being, encompassing physical strength, mental clarity, immunity, and emotional stability.

As the body's vital energy and the subtlest form of beautiful Kapha dosha, it supports our resilience and vitality.

How to increase Ojas?

Focusing on these Ojas-enhancing foods, as long as the digestion is well balanced, can make a significant difference.

This guide will explore how to increase Ojas with specific foods, highlighting their benefits and how to incorporate them into your diet.

In this post:

1. Ghee

5. Figs

What is Ojas?

how to increase ojas to feel vital and improve immunity

Ojas is a subtle substance in Ayurveda that reflects our overall health, immunity, and vitality.

It is formed from the proper digestion of food through all of the body's seven tissues.

The right amount of Ojas is crucial for immunity, energy, longevity, and juiciness.

Ayurveda tells us that there are two kinds of Ojas:

  • Para Ojas--located in the heart and absolutely essential to life.

  • Apara Ojas--circulates throughout the body in the bloodstream, often likened to white blood cells and other immunity boosters in the blood.

Ojas is the container for Prana (the life force energy) and Tejas (the subtle energy of transformation), making it essential to well-being.

How to Increase Ojas?

  • Consume foods that are nourishing, easy to digest, and supportive of overall health.

  • Do exercise and yoga practices that are nourishing rather than depleting.

  • Do gentle breathing practices (Pranayama), like deep belly breathing and three-part breath (Dirgha Pranayama), that are nourishing.

  • Spend time in a calming nature setting.

  • Tend to Vata dosha as increased Vata dosha naturally decreases Ojas, leaving one dry with low energy and low immunity. This is just one of the plethora of reasons to tend to Vata at all times.

You can read more about What is Ojas in Ayurveda in this post:

post about ojas to help understand how to increase ojas
Click the image to read the post

8 Remedies to Help Balance Digestion Before Learning How to Increase Ojas

Some of these foods we will cover are heavy and difficult to digest, so ensure your digestion is strong and able to digest them.

If you have a coating on your tongue, consider using digestive spices to help balance your digestion before enjoying the heavier items on this list.

These will balance digestion so you can experience the nourishing, immune-boosting benefits of the Ojas-increasing foods listed below.

1. Takra

how to increase ojas? Takra

Takra is a homemade yogurt drink that supports good digestion.

Many cultures have similar yogurt beverages with different names to help support digestion.

I'm drinking some Takra right now while typing this post. :)


  • Aids Digestion: Takra contains probiotics in a super digestible form that help balance gut flora while improving digestion.

  • Relieves Bloating: It can soothe the digestive system by coating the walls of the GI tract and reducing bloating.

  • Electrolyte Balance: Takra helps maintain hydration levels.

  • Cooling Effect: It has a cooling effect on the body as it is being consumed, especially beneficial in hot weather, but it has a warming effect on digestion.

  • Nutrient Absorption: Enhances the absorption of nutrients critical for immune health.


  • Consume as a refreshing drink before, during, or after meals--or even between meals.

  • Enjoy as a cooling beverage between meals during summer months.

  • Regularly consume to strengthen the immune system.

  • Add to meals during cold and flu seasons for extra support. In the little village where I lived in the Himalayas, my neighbors often shared Cuddy, a soup-like meal using Takra as the base, with me.

Takra recipe for how to increase Ojas.
Click the image to view the recipe

2. Anti-Ama Formula

This Anti-Ama Formula is from one of my teachers, Dr. Partap Chauhan of Jiva Institute in India.

Help clear Ama out of the body with this simple tea.


  • Detoxification: Helps eliminate toxins (Ama--undigested food particles that putrefy in the gut and spread out into the tissues of the body, lodging in weak areas).

  • Improves Digestion: Improves digestion and nutrient absorption.

  • Enhances Immunity: Supports overall health and boosts the immune system as it helps the body to easily digest pathogens.


  • Culinary herbs (cumin, coriander, fennel, ginger, and mint) are made into tea.

How to increase Ojas? Anti-Ama Formula
Click the image to view the recipe

3. Cumin Coriander Fennel Tea

This is a super simple recipe that helps to remove Ama and stimulate digestion.


  • Digestive Support: Relieves bloating and indigestion.

  • Enhances Digestion: Improves absorption of nutrients

  • Tri-Doshic: Moves Vata dosha downwards while gently stimulating digestion for Pitta and Kapha Doshas.


  • Brew as a tea; can be enjoyed hot 1/2 hour before meals, 1/2 hour after meals, or sipped during meals.

  • Can be enhanced with a touch of ginger, honey, or lemon.

How to increase Ojas? Digestive tea recipe
Click the image to view the recipe

4. Lemon Ginger Honey Tea

How to increase ojas? Lemon Ginger Honey Tea

This is a staple beverage in India, especially in the cooler months to keep digestion strong and digest Ama.

Those with a Pitta dosha constitution or imbalance should use caution when drinking this tea.


  • Immune Booster: Ginger and lemon provide vitamin C and antioxidants.

  • Soothes Nausea: Effective for digestive upset and nausea.

  • Anti-inflammatory: Ginger helps reduce inflammation and pain.


  • A comforting beverage, especially during colds or flu.

  • Drink 1/2 hour before meals, 1/2 hour after meals, or sip with meals.

How to increase Ojas? Lemon Ginger Honey Tea
Click the image to view the recipe

5. Hingvashtak Powder


  • Digestive Health: Helps relieve gas, bloating, and constipation.

  • Appetite Stimulant: Encourages healthy appetite.

  • Metabolic Support: Boosts metabolism and aids in fat digestion.


  • Can be mixed with warm water or added to the Takra recipe above:

  • Used in cooking to enhance flavor and digestion.

How to increase Ojas? Hingvashtak powder
Click the image to purchase

6. Triphala

Triphala is a well-known tri-doshic formulation of three fruits: Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki.

It helps clear Ama and tone the colon, leading to good bowel movements.

Triphala balances Ojas, Tejas, and Prana (Lad, 310).


  • Gentle Detox: Supports the body's natural detox processes.

  • Digestive Health: Aids in regular bowel movements and digestion.

  • Nutrient-Rich: Packed with vitamins and minerals, promoting overall health.


  • Taken as a powder mixed with water or as capsules.

  • Can be consumed at bedtime for overnight benefits.

How to increase ojas? Triphala powder
Click the image to purchase

How to increase Ojas? Triphala tablets
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  • Triphala Ghee is a special preparation that involves cooking the Triphala in ghee for hours. It takes the healing properties of Triphala directly to the tissues and adds additional lubrication for those who find Triphala to be drying.

How to Increase Ojas? Triphala ghee
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7. Ginger Lemon Honey Elixir

How to increase Ojas? Ginger Lemon Honey Elixir

Similar to Ginger Lemon Honey Tea, this elixir is a powerful shot of digestion-stimulating goodness.

Those with a Pitta dosha constitution or imbalance should avoid this elixir as it is quite potent and heating.


  • Energy Boost: Provides a natural energy lift.

  • Cold Relief: Eases symptoms of colds and flu.

  • Digestive Aid: Supports digestion and reduces bloating.


  • Consume as a small shot rather than a full glass.

  • Add to warm water for a soothing beverage.

How to increase Ojas? Lemon Ginger Honey Elixir
Click the image to view the recipe

8. Trikatu

Trikatu is a blend of three culinary herbs: black pepper, pippali (a long pepper), and dry ginger.

This combination is perfect for clear out Ama and stimulating hunger.


  • Digestive Aid: Enhances digestion and promotes appetite.

  • Metabolism Booster: Supports metabolic function, helping with weight management.

  • Respiratory Support: Clears congestion and supports lung health.


  • Often taken as a supplement or mixed with honey.

  • Can be added to warm water for a soothing drink.

How to increase Ojas? Trikatu Powder recipe
Click the image to view the recipe

How to Increase Ojas with Foods

This section is dedicated to explaining how to increase Ojas with foods.

The following foods are particularly effective in increasing Ojas, supporting immunity, and promoting juiciness.

This is not an exhaustive list of Ojas-building foods, but rather some examples for you to explore.

Remember these important tools for promoting good digestion to benefit from these foods:

  • Eat freshly cooked foods that are not processed.

  • Eat at regular times.

  • Consciously eat your food, avoiding reading, wathcing TV, or excessively talking while eating.

1. Ghee: The Golden Elixir

Ghee, or clarified butter, is an important aspect of Ayurvedic nutrition.

It is revered for enhancing digestion, transporting nutrition directly to the tissues, and building Ojas.

Ghee is rich in healthy fats and boosts butyric acid (LifeSpa), a fatty acid that supports gut health and reduces inflammation.

Benefits of Ghee:

  • Enhances Digestion: Ghee promotes nutrient absorption and supports a healthy digestive system. It even helps to stimulate the digestive fire.

  • Nourishes Tissues: The healthy fats in ghee nourish the body’s tissues, contributing to overall vitality.

  • Boosts Immunity: Ghee has antimicrobial, antiseptic, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties that can enhance immune function (NIH).

How to Incorporate Ghee:

  • Use ghee as a cooking fat for sautéing vegetables or preparing grains.

  • Add a spoonful of ghee to soups, stews, or any meal for added richness and nourishment.

  • Take a small amount of ghee daily, if tolerated, to support digestive health.

  • Recipe for Ghee:

How to increase Ojas? ghee recipe
Click the image to view the recipe

2. Soaked Almonds: Nutrient-Rich Vitality Boosters

Almonds are known to enhance vitality and support the development of Ojas.

Soaking almonds makes them easier to digest and also makes them less heating for Pitta dosha.

Benefits of Almonds:

  • Supports Vitality: Almonds provide sustained energy and improve overall vitality.

  • Enhances Digestion: Soaked almonds are easier to digest and help in nutrient absorption.

  • Balances Vata: Almonds help in balancing Vata dosha, which is crucial for maintaining Ojas.

How to Incorporate Almonds:

  • Soak almonds overnight and eat them in the morning.

  • Recipe: Use soaked and peeled almonds in this recipe for Ojas Balls.

How to increase Ojas? Ojas balls recipe
Click the image to view the recipe

3. Dates: Natural Sweet Energy Boosters

How to Increase Ojas? Dates

Dates are packed with natural sugars, fiber, and essential minerals.

They are excellent for boosting energy levels and overall vitality.

Benefits of Dates:

  • Provides Quick Energy: Dates offer a natural source of quick energy through their natural sugars.

  • Supports Digestion: High fiber content aids in digestive health.

  • Enhances Vitality: Rich in essential minerals, dates contribute to overall well-being.

How to Incorporate Dates:

  • Eat dates as a naturally sweet snack or add them to soups or sauteéd greens.

  • Stuff dates with nuts or seeds for a nutrient-dense treat.

  • Use dates in Ojas Balls or desserts for a natural sweetener.

How to increase Ojas? Ojas formula recipe
Click the image to view the recipe

4. Sweet Potatoes: Comforting Nutrient Powerhouses

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of complex carbohydrates, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants.

They support balanced energy levels and overall vitality.

Benefits of Sweet Potatoes:

  • Stabilizes Blood Sugar: The complex carbohydrates in sweet potatoes provide sustained energy.

  • Supports Digestion: Rich in fiber, sweet potatoes aid in healthy digestion.

  • Enhances Immunity: Vitamins and antioxidants in sweet potatoes support immune function.

How to Incorporate Sweet Potatoes:

  • Roast sweet potatoes with ghee and spices for a nourishing side dish.

  • Add mashed sweet potatoes to soups or stews for added creaminess.

  • Use sweet potatoes in casseroles or as a base for grain bowls.

How to increase Ojas: Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato recipe
Click the image to view the recipe

5. Figs: Sweet Nutrient Powerhouses

Figs are rich in fiber, natural sugars, and essential minerals like calcium and iron.

They support energy levels and digestive health.

Benefits of Figs:

  • Boosts Energy: Natural sugars in figs provide a quick energy boost.

  • Supports Digestion: High fiber content aids in healthy digestion.

  • Enhances Vitality: Essential minerals in figs contribute to overall well-being and an increase in Ojas.

How to Incorporate Figs:

  • Eat fresh or dried figs as a snack or add them to breakfast dishes.

  • Use figs in baking or energy bars for a natural, nutritious sweetener.

  • To build Ojas, Dr. Vasant Lad recommends eating 3 figs with 1 teaspoon of honey after breakfast then following that with a glass of Takra.

6. Basmati Rice

Due to its easy digestibility for most individuals, basmati rice offers highly bioavailable nutrients.


  • Easy to Digest: Light on the stomach, making it ideal for those with digestive issues.

  • Balancing: Neutralizes excess Vata and Pitta doshas.

  • Low Glycemic Index: Supports stable blood sugar levels, beneficial for overall energy.


  • Main Dish Base: Pairs well with dals, curries, and vegetables.

  • Rice Pudding: Cooked with milk and spices for a nourishing breakfast or dessert.

  • Recipe: Sweet Spiced Rice Porridge

How to increase Ojas? Sweet Spiced Rice Porridge Recipe
Click the image to view the recipe

7. Kitchari

Kithchari is a blend of moong beans and rice cooked with spices that is easy to digest, giving the body time to clean up toxins while receiving good nutrition.


  • Detoxifying: A classic Ayurvedic detox dish that helps cleanse the body while also providing key nourishment.

  • Nourishing: Combines rice and lentils for balanced protein and carbohydrates.

  • Digestive Aid: Contains spices like cumin and ginger that promote digestion.


  • Often recommended during detox or after an illness.

  • Recipe: Kitchari

How to increase Ojas? Kitchari recipe
Click the image to view the recipe

8. Soups and Stews


  • Hydration: Keeps the body hydrated, especially important for Vata dosha.

  • Nutrient-Rich: Incorporates a variety of vegetables and spices, boosting immunity.

  • Easy to Digest: Warm soups aid digestion and provide comfort, especially during the cold Vata and Kapha months and between seasons.


  • Serve as a starter in meals to stimulate digestion.

  • Hearty vegetable or lentil soups can serve as a complete meal.

How to increase Ojas? Carrot Ginger Soup
Click the image to view the recipe

9. Hot Spiced Milk

According to the traditional texts, cow's milk is excellent for building Ojas.

"Cow milk has 10 properties viz. sweetness, coldness, softness, unctuousness, density, smoothness, sliminess, heaviness, slowness and clarity. These are also the properties of ojas. So milk having identical properties is conducive to the promotion of ojas. Thus, milk is an elixir par excellence." ~Caraka Samhita:SU:27:19 


  • Calming: Warm milk helps soothe the nervous system and promotes restful sleep.

  • Nourishing: Provides essential nutrients like calcium and protein.

  • Boosts Immunity: Spices like turmeric and ginger enhance its health benefits.


  • Ideal before sleep for relaxation and nourishment.

How to increase Ojas? Warm spiced milk recipe
Click the image to view the recipe

How to increase ojas? turmeric milk recipe
Click the image to view the recipe

10. Chyavanaprash

Chyavanaprash, a jam made with Indian gooseberries (Amla) and healing herbs, rejuvenates Ojas, as long as your digestion is strong enough to digest it.


  • Immune Booster: Rich in antioxidants, it enhances overall immunity.

  • Energy Enhancer: Provides stamina and vitality, especially beneficial during fatigue.

  • Digestive Support: Aids digestion and metabolism due to its herbal ingredients.


  • Can be taken in small amounts daily, especially during seasonal changes.

  • Ideally, it can be mixed into warm milk or eaten off of a spoon and followed with a cup of hot water.

How to increase Ojas? Chyavanprash jam by Athreya Herbs
Click the image to purchase

How to increase Ojas? Chyavanaprasam jam by Kottakkal Ayurveda
Click the image to purchase

11. Coconut: Nourishing and Versatile

How to increase Ojas: Coconut

Coconut, in its various forms—oil, milk, or shredded—provides healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals.

It supports Ojas by enhancing overall health and vitality.

Benefits of Coconut:

  • Provides Healthy Fats: Coconut oil and milk contain healthy fats that support overall health.

  • Supports Digestion: Coconut helps soothe and support digestive health when the digestive fire is too strong and is burning through foods too quickly.

  • Boosts Energy: Coconut provides a quick energy boost and enhances vitality while it hydrates.

How to Incorporate Coconut:

  • Use coconut oil for cooking.

  • Add coconut milk to breakfast grains, curries, or soups for a creamy texture.

  • Enjoy shredded coconut as a topping for oatmeal.

Conclusion: How to Increase Ojas

Increasing Ojas involves nourishing your body with foods that enhance vitality, support digestion, and boost overall health.

How to increase Ojas?

The foods listed above are rich in essential nutrients and have been shown to support the development and maintenance of Ojas.

By incorporating these foods into your diet, you can enhance your vitality, improve your energy levels, and promote a sense of well-being.

Remember, the journey of how to increase Ojas is holistic and individual.

Embrace these nourishing foods as part of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, and observe how they positively impact your overall health and vitality.

With consistent effort and mindful eating, you can cultivate a vibrant, balanced life filled with energy and well-being.

If you would like a consultation for tips to increase Ojas naturally in your life, please book online:


Lad, Vasant. The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. 1st ed., Three Rivers Press, 1998.


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